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  • AutorenbildJuergen Mairhofer

New study shows ecological benefits for enGenes Biotech -express technology

New study shows ecological benefits for enGenes Biotech -express technology

News-ReleasesEnGenes Biotech GmbH

March 4th 2021

Vienna, Austria: – The patented enGenes-eXpress™ protein expression technology developed by recombinant proteins specialist CDMO enGenes Biotech GmbH (enGenes) turns out to have extra economic and environmental benefits, according to a new study.

The study ‘Economic and ecological benefits of leaky E. coli’ compiled by Technical University of Vienna (TU Wien) reveals that extracellular protein production with -eXpress resulted in a 25% reduction of costs and a 36% reduction of both water usage and water-related CO2 emissions compared to intracellular production with the state-of-the-art host strain E. coli BL21(DE3).

Young scientists collaboration

The study was part of an ongoing collaboration between enGenes and TU Wien as part of the BRIDGE Young Scientists program, funded by the Austrian Research Agency (FFG; project #872643).

“This is significant new information for our existing and potential customers, partners, and collaborators concerned to reduce costs and minimize their carbon footprints,” commented enGenes CEO Juergen Mairhofer.


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