Vienna, Austria: -Recombinant proteins specialist CDMO enGenes Biotech GmbH (enGenes) has produced original research showing how a novel host strain version of its patented enGenes-eXpress technology can be used to fine tune recombinant protein production with L-arabinose as a single inducer.
The study shows how expression processes can be further simplified and improved, with significantly increased protein solubility and Inducer concentration perfectly matched to the protein of interest simply and quickly to maximize yields.
More precise regulation of gene expression
The peer-reviewed study Tunable expression rate control of a growth-decoupled T7 expression system by L-arabinose only was lead authored by enGenes scientist and PhD candidate Patrick Stargardt, together with enGenes CEO Dr. Juergen Mairhofer and Prof. Gerald Striedner from the Department of Biotechnology at Vienna’s University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), who is also a co-founder of enGenes.
The study was motivated to achieve more precise regulation of gene expression as a key factor in the successful production of complex membrane proteins (MPs), enzymes or other proteins toxic to the host cell.
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