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  • AutorenbildJuergen Mairhofer

enGenes Biotech makes debut at ICB V continuous biomanufacturing event

Vienna, Austria: – Recombinant proteins specialist CDMO enGenes Biotech GmbH (enGenes) will make its debut at the 5th Integrated Continuous Biomanufacturing (ICB V) conference near Barcelona to highlight the relevance of its advanced recombinant protein production platforms to continuous production.

enGenes CEO Dr. Juergen Mairhofer will contribute to the conference agenda with a presentation “Two-stage continuous growth-decoupled biomolecules production using Escherichia coli – Towards microbial small-footprint manufacturing”.

 -eXcite continuous biomolecule production

The enGenes contribution, highlighting the potential for the  -eXcite variant of its  -eXpress growth decoupled E. coli based expression platform to aid more nimble and cost-effective production of biomolecules, will form part of the conference’s Session 1: Breakthrough ICB technologies on the horizon, opening at 0700 hrs. on Day Two of the event. Monday, October 10, 2022.

The session, chaired by Astrid Dürauer, of Austria BOKU university and Michael Coolbaugh, of Sanofi, will explore the disruptive innovations needed to enable genuine continuous biomanufacturing a technology that moves beyond batch processing, also making it more sustainable and with potential to be automated and fully transferable.


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