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  • AutorenbildJuergen Mairhofer

enGenes Biotech and TU Wien joint study demonstrates manufacturing benefits of extracellular secretion using -express technology

Vienna, Austria: – Recombinant proteins specialist CDMO enGenes Biotech GmbH (enGenes) has joined forces with Technical University Vienna (TU Wien) to author a joint study presenting  peer-reviewed data on improved extracellular production of proteins using patented enGenes-eXpress™ technology.

The study, Inhibition of E. coli Host RNA Polymerase Allows Efficient Extracellular Recombinant Protein Production by Enhancing Outer Membrane Leakiness, is published in Biotechnology Journal (see Resources). The paper demonstrates that protein production is now not only possible by intracellular means but that the -eXpress strain can also be used to allow improved secretion to the extracellular space, thus constituting a valuable host for extracellular production of recombinant protein with Escherichia  coli.

Simpler purification, superior purity

“Secretion of proteins to the cell-free supernatant has major implications for manufacturing as it allows simple purification and superior purity with fewer purification steps compared to classical approaches, where cells are disrupted and the recombinant protein is purified from a complex lysate,” commented study co-author Prof. Oliver Spadiut, Head of Integrated Bioprocess Development at TU Wien.

The original collaboration between enGenes and TU Wien, dating back to 2018, was established to undertake a project funded by the Vienna Business Agency to apply enGenes-eXpress™ technology to integrative bioprocess development for biosimilar production (see Resources). The team was also able to establish a follow-up funding in form of a “FFG BRIDGE Young Scientist” project (Leaky E. coli) funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG.


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