The latest White Paper from advanced biotechnological solutions developer enGenes Biotech discusses solutions for improving the efficacy, safety and production yields of plasmid DNA.
The technical article Advancing Plasmid DNA Manufacturing is authored by enGenes Biotech CEO and CSO Dr. Juergen Mairhofer. It introduces the enGenes -eXcess™ and enGenes -eXchange™ technologies as groundbreaking advances that improve production yields with up to 3 g/l of supercoiled plasmid DNA, while also enhancing safety and efficacy.
Scientific foundations
enGenes -eXcess™ and enGenes -eXchange™ build on recent scientific developments in growth-decoupled plasmid DNA production to provide platforms for high-yield, antibiotic resistance marker-free plasmid production to address key challenges in gene therapy, mRNA therapies, and vaccine development and manufacturing.
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